Models and novels with Writer in residence Mats Söderlund

Mats Söderlund

Mats Söderlund

Climate models and fiction are two ways of constructing climate imaginaries, with different but possibly overlapping audiences. The complex computer simulations known as climate models are one of the most prominent ways in which climate imaginaries are produced. The models represent different aspects of human-climate interaction, some are simpler, focusing mainly on the atmospheric system and others, like the Earth System Models which connects the different parts of the biosphere, the ocean, and the atmosphere in one all-encompassing climate system model. There are also the so-called Integrated Assessment Models, which represent interactions between society, the biosphere and the climate system. These models help simulate the environmental consequences of human activities but also to assess different options humans can make by simulating different techno-economic scenarios.

One core idea of the Climaginaries project is to build bridges between the different ways in which climate imaginaries are constructed, and for that end we are now welcoming writer Mats Söderlund as part of our team for a few months. Mats Söderlund will work with us as writer in residence, to delve into the world of modelling by interacting with modellers working on different types of Earth System Models at Lund University. As a research team we see this encounter as one part of exploring the commonalities and the differences between how climate imaginaries are created in models and fiction. We are very happy to have Mats Söderlund on board and look forward to his interpretations of the modelling world and to explore it together with us.

I grew up in a close relationship with the forests, rivers and mountains of the north, says Söderlund. I have seen the glaciers shrink with my own eyes. Over the years I have had reason to study climate change for my writing. I’m really happy for this opportunity to get to know the science and some of the scientists behind the climate reports.

About Mats Söderlund

Mats Söderlund made ​his debut as a poet in 1992 and was awarded The Swedish Writers’ Union’s prestigious Catapult Award for best literary debut. He has won numerous literary awards and scholarships as a poet and is regarded as one of the most headstrong nature poets. Söderlund often describes himself as “a forester from the north” with roots deeply entrenched in the Nordic folklore and the Northern narrative tradition where not everything can be explained. He has published 17 books of fiction and non-fiction. Most recently he finished the climate-fantasy trilogy “Ättlingarna” (the Descendants). Söderlund was Chairman of the Swedish Writers’ Union 2005 - 2012, The Swedish Joint Committee for Artistic and Literary Professionals 20013 - 2015 and a representative of the Swedish National Commission for Unesco 2011 - 2015. He also holds a degree of Bachelor of Science in Social Work.